Kids Musical Instruments: How To Inspire a Little Beethoven...or Beyonce!

07 Jun

It’s no secret that exploring music from an early age has lasting benefits for years to come. When little ones start experimenting with singing, rhythms, different sounds and instruments, it helps to develop gross and fine motor skills, improves speech and communication, can assist with developing listening skills and memorisation, and builds confidence. With kids musical instruments for all ages and stages, HipKids can help kickstart your child’s musical adventures today.

 Shake it baby! 

Did you know that little ones can start exploring with basic rhythmic patterns and sounds before they can even walk or talk? Basic toy instruments such as these Hipkids Egg Shakers or wooden maracas are perfectly sized for little hands but can continue to be used as your child gets older. They are a wonderful way for children to explore making sounds with instruments all on their own. This not only helps their little minds and bodies work in tandem but also encourages self-expression. The delight they feel as they realise that they are creating music and patterns will show on their face as they burst with pride.

Percussion fun for everyone! 

From tambourines to triangles, toddlers love banging things together - but it’s even more fun when their actions result in new sounds that they haven't heard before. By exploring a variety of kids’ musical instruments, toddlers can speed up their sensory development and improve both gross and fine motor skills. For example, banging on a drum (such as this HipKids bongo drum) helps to develop gross motor skills, but learning to grab and control the drum stick to tap on the drum works to develop fine motor skills. Although all of that banging coming from the playroom may not be music to your ears, the benefits of introducing your child to these types of toy instruments at an early age are worth it.

Kids musical instruments for your budding musician

A big part of exploring music with children is learning about different types of sounds (high and low pitches, for example) and melodies. Pianos and xylophones are one of the easiest ways to introduce these elements to your child, but before committing to a full-sized keyboard, these toy musical instruments are a wonderful place to start. This HipKids xylophone and gorgeous toy piano are perfect for music exploration and beginning to learn simple melodies. Another great option for early music learners is the ukulele. Being slightly smaller and more manageable for little hands than a guitar, the ukulele is another great option for honing in on fine motor skills, listening skills and memorisation. With toy instruments such as these, children can also develop more self-confidence with decision-making as they experiment with sounds that they both like and don’t like and fine tune them along the way. Over time, as their musical ear improves, they will be able to determine on their own if they have played something correctly or not.

Inspire your child’s love of music with one of HipKids’ beautiful toy instruments today and make beautiful music a part of your child’s future!

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